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Because Dynamic Leadership Makes a Difference!

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George Timothy Hall



Jennifer R. McLamb

Chief Operations Officer

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Mary Thomas-Locklear

Chief Human Resource Officer

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Barden Grimes

Chief of Behavioral Health Services 

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Dr. Eugene Nor

Chief Medical Officer

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Kristy Locklear

Chief Financial Officer 

Mr. Hall has 30 years of experience in the field of addiction serving as a master’s level counselor, supervisor and administrator. 他在坎贝尔大学获得学士学位,并在位于维克森林的东南神学院获得研究生学位, NC.  Mr. Hall has had the privilege to provide services to children, adolescents and adults, both military and civilian.  他曾担任北卡罗莱纳州药物滥用专业委员会(NCSAPPB) 8年的民选成员, chaired the budget/operations committee, ethics committee, and served as president for 2 years. While as president of the NCSAPPB, 霍尔有幸领导董事会通过立法程序,为该州的有执照临床成瘾专家建立证书.  Later Hall chaired the board committee to ascertain the Certified Clinical Supervisor.  In addition, 霍尔担任国际认证和互惠联盟的NC代表已有6年. 他还曾任职于立法/预算联盟,并担任NC物质滥用联盟和NC联盟执行委员会的成员和主席. Mr. Hall continues to serve on several local boards and supportive in community activities. In June 2016 Mr. Hall became President and CEO of RHCC. Mr. Hall has been committed to serving the people of Sharon Baptist Church as their pastor, which is located in Fayetteville, N.C. Mr. Hall lives in Fayetteville, NC with his wife Amy. 

Ms. Jennifer R. McLamb, MPA has made RHCC her professional home for 25 years.  During this time, she has lent her education, experience, and talents within both the behavioral health and primary care divisions of the corporation.  Jennifer获得了北卡罗莱纳州中学教育学士学位,在那里她担任北卡罗莱纳州教学研究员.  After teaching for a few years, she made a foray into the program management arena and discovered hidden talents and interests.  正是这一个人发现,使Jennifer于1995年加入了RHCC,在那里她指导了药物滥用预防项目,后来直到2005年,她一直担任该组织专业咨询服务部的行政主任.  In 2005, 她被任命为公司的绩效改进总监和公司合规官, 在被提升为首席运营官之前,她自豪地担任了10年的职位.  During her time with RHCC, Jennifer在北卡罗来纳大学彭布罗克分校获得了公共管理硕士学位,主修医疗保健管理,她是公共管理Phi Alpha荣誉协会的创始人和现任主席.  After completion of graduate school, 从2003年到2010年,她担任UNC-P MPA项目的兼职教师,在那里她教授一般MPA课程以及专业医疗管理课程.  詹妮弗嫁给了迈克尔,是杰西和邦妮的母亲,他们在布雷登县的白橡树定居.

Mary Thomas-Locklear是一位成功的人力资源专业人士,拥有超过35年的人力资源经验.  Her HR colleagues refer to her as competent, innovative, results-driven, and a humble servant. 自1989年以来,她一直受雇于RHCC,在那里她为员工和执行团队提供人力资源领导和支持.  Currently, she assumes the role of Chief Human Resource Officer and Executive Team member.  她的专业领域包括招聘、人员配置、培训、发展、辅导等.. 她持有彭布罗克州立大学公共管理理学学士学位(辅修宗教研究),以及北卡罗来纳大学彭布罗克分校公共管理硕士学位. Ms. Thomas-Locklear is a certified Life Coach and Health Coach.  她获得这些认证是为了更好地为员工和社区服务,识别他们的优势, assisting in overcoming adversaries, and identifying personal and professional goals.  她是北卡罗来纳社区健康中心协会人力资源工作组的成员. Ms. Thomas-Locklear is deeply involved in her community.


She is a board member of the Southeastern Family Violence Center, member of the Ingenious Murdered and Missing Women Planning Committee, Member of the Juneteenth Planning committee, Sunday School teacher, motivational speaker, youth advisor, mentor, and community volunteer.  “It is an honor to serve.  My prayer is that God pours into me so I can pour into others what they need when they need it.” She is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Society.  She is married to James Vincent Locklear and she has one daughter, Vincea Locklear.  They reside in Pembroke, North Carolina.

Mr. Grimes积累了28年的直接药物滥用和心理健康咨询经验,包括23年的项目管理和临床监督经验. Mr. Grimes对药物滥用问题和社区资源有全面的了解,并具有出色的故障排除技能,能够快速解决问题,并具有很强的组织和培训技能. Mr. Grimes持有成瘾咨询硕士学位,目前由北卡罗来纳州药物滥用专业实践委员会(NCSAPPB)认证为执业临床成瘾专家(LCAS)。, 注册临床主管(CCS),并持有认证药物滥用顾问(CSAC)证书,直到2000年. 其他专业包括:国家认证酒精药物教育学校讲师/终身认证. Trained in the Matrix Model, Matrix Model Supervisor, Strengthening Families and a Seven Challenges Supervisor.  He holds a Master of Science in Addiction Counseling from Grand Canyon University .  

Dr. Eugene Nor began practicing medicine with the RHCC Medical group in September 2011. Dr. Nor was appointed Chief Medical Officer of Robeson Health Care Corporation in December 2015. Nor received attended Temple University where he completed his doctoral work. 他的主要医疗领域是家庭实践,他擅长一般护理(13岁以上)。. 他在Maxton医疗中心行医时担任双重领导角色, 负责管理RHCC医疗集团和医疗亚专科集团的运营和沟通. 

With over 19 years of experience in health administration, Kristy Locklear has worked in the financial and operational areas of community health centers, public health, and the hospital sector. In 2005, Ms. Kristy was hired as the Budget Officer, became the Director of Accounting in 2008, and promoted to Chief Financial Officer in March 2016.  她曾与RHCC的行为健康项目和初级保健中心广泛合作.  Her primary area of focus is revenue maximization, financial budgeting, federal grant management, and analysis of financial and operational data.  她在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校获得公共政策分析学士学位,主修卫生政策,并在里士满弗吉尼亚联邦大学医学院获得卫生管理硕士学位, Virginia.  Ms. Kristy is a member of  Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc.  She attends church at Union Chapel Holiness Methodist and she resides in Pembroke, NC with her two boys, Drew and Brody.

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